Save important web applications as favorites to open them with 1 click and see instant notifications in your Sidebar.

This works with multiple accounts for the same app, right inside your browser!

Notification Hub

When you drag a web app into your Favorites, Switch will automatically show you the number of unread notifications for that application in the sidebar.

This is great if you receive notifications from several applications that you want to stay on top of (Gmail, Outlook, Slack, Messenger).

Please get in touch with us if you’d like this functionality added for additional web applications by emailing

Save Your Favorites, Open With 1 Click

For web applications that you use often (Gmail, Outlook, Google Docs, Slack), drag them into your Favourites section and they’ll stay in the sidebar even after you close all tabs for that application.

Next time you can re-open them with 1 click or open all your favourites with 1 click.